Adam here. Tonight I’m on the midnight to three watch. It is a beautifully starry night with an almost full moon punctuated by scattered trade wind clouds. The wind is a bit shifty and gusty though ...
1100 Miles from Anywhere

Adam here. Tonight I’m on the midnight to three watch. It is a beautifully starry night with an almost full moon punctuated by scattered trade wind clouds. The wind is a bit shifty and gusty though ...
Thanksgiving was in Day 4 of our crossing and the winds have been light. There is a swell but we are all handling the motion well! My meal planning consists of a rolling 7 day plan to keep things var ...
The last week has been really busy getting ready for the start of our Atlantic crossing with the ARC. Our scheduled departure was November 19 and as the date approached all of us were busy. Adam was m ...
The Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) is an annual transatlantic sailing event (rally) that starts in November in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and finishes at Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia, in the Caribbean. ...
Saltair has been in Las Palmas Gran Canaria for over a month and we have made a lot of progress on our repairs and improvements ! The last couple weeks have been focused on family and spending time wi ...
Nous sommes à Las Palmas, Grand Canaries pour quelques semaines et bien que la scolarisation de Seth soit difficile nous essayons au moins de faire des excursions pédagogiques! Mardi nous sommes all ...
We love Madeira! We arrived late Saturday night (September 16) and decided to anchor instead of trying to moor in the Marina in the dark. It was pitch black and we safely dropped and secured the anc ...
Sailing from Brest to Madeira was my first offshore passage and all my expectations and preparations were based on testimony and experiences from others. I read many guides and articles to gather tip ...
We're now well past the halfway point and I have a few minutes free this afternoon to contemplate our journey so I thought I would update our followers. We left Saturday afternoon from Bre ...
We have been in Brest, France this week and besides indulging in fresh baguettes and croissants we are busy getting ready for our first offshore passage on Saltair! Up to now we have been coastal, st ...