We had not planned to go to the USVIs, but after struggling to find good places for Saltair to anchor in the BVIs, we followed our buddy boat Happy Sees - Shannon, Ed, Everett (9) and Sierra (7) - to ...
cruising life
Sint Maarten

How do you write a blog update when you haven’t updated the blog in almost two months? Trying to answer that question is one of the reasons that I haven't written in so long. A few weeks became a ...
Marie Galante, Les Saintes & Guadeloupe

Our title is a bit misleading as Marie Galante and Les Saintes are dependencies of Guadeloupe administratively. They are however very distinct islands and each worth a visit. We sailed to Marie Gal ...
Dominica part two - The Boiling Lake Hike
After our first long day of hiking and swimming we were all a little tired and sore when we gathered bright and early at 7am for the iconic hike to the Boiling Lake. Kids were particularly quiet in th ...
Dominica, a hiker’s paradise - part one
We left Martinique on February 20th to take advantage of the wind and had a beautiful sail north to Dominica. Wind on the beam, 12 to 18 knots, calm sea… Saltair sailed happily. Upon arrival in R ...
Saint Pierre, Martinique

We spent a couple days in Saint Pierre, Martinique before heading to Dominica. The history is really interesting and we wish we had a little more time to spend in the science museum before we had to h ...
Christmas Mangos and Bats

This year's holiday season is very different for us. We spent so much energy on the crossing and getting the boat ready that somehow we were unprepared for Hanukkah starting on the night we finished o ...
Martique with Paul & Helene

Our dear friends from San Francisco, Paul, Helene, Eric and Sophie came to visit the week before Christmas and brought a big dose of cheer and Christmas spirit with them. Helene stashed lots of heartw ...
Invasion of the flying fish, pancakes and big rollers

Last night was the most rolly yet! Big swells from different directions and 20-22 knots with higher gusts of wind! The content of the boat was shifting back and forth creating a lot of noise! I padde ...
Smooth sailing….

Last couple days have been really good! I would say smooth sailing but the sea is quite confused and is quite rolly! Our route has taken us pretty South to stay in the wind and the extra miles have pa ...