We were in Brest about to commence the one week passage to Madeira and wanted to do some offshore fishing (no, not the email scam). We asked our friend Paul who came to do the passage with us to help ...
Offshore fishing

We were in Brest about to commence the one week passage to Madeira and wanted to do some offshore fishing (no, not the email scam). We asked our friend Paul who came to do the passage with us to help ...
Tides are big, very big, like very very big, like very very very big, like very ve… *goes on forever adding a “very” each time* At least where we are (*Hint* its the north Atlantic). I’m jus ...
Hi this is me writing a blog once again. Netherlands one day, Belgium the next ( We went on an expedition in Brugge finding plastic food, taking photos, then moving on. We found delicious waffles and ...
Vleiland is a cool little island where we have been staying for the past 3 days. It has a lighthouse, a big beach (with a few restaurants), a small town (with a lot of restaurants), a big marina (wher ...
Courtesy flags are small flags that you are required to fly when you enter/stay in a country. The required flag is usually the national flag, but there are some special cases like England where the f ...
Saltair is a beautiful boat full of cool spots. I shall be writing a list of these spots. #1 My cabin: My cabin is a bunk bed where the top bunk folds up giving me the option to sleep up or down. #2 T ...
Hello (NPC wave) this is not a full blog. This is only a quick blog to get posted. We have pumped up one of the inflatable kayaks and have gone kayaking ( The word “kayak” is the same spelled back ...
We have been staying in a tiny town called Ellös ( It is not a miniature town. It is just a town that is small). It has a bakery ( A bakery that only opens (much to everyone’s disappointment) 3 day ...
Hi it's Seth, your very best friend. if you don’t give me burgers I’ll type this song again. Hi it’s me again and I am craving a good burger. And no, I don't want a McDonald’s chemistry exper ...
Blog posts under the ‘Seth’ category are mainly for kids. It is meant to be 2000000000 times more ridiculously hilarious than the other blog. Of course grown ups are also admitted into this blog ...